
About Amazon

When launched in 1995, it was with the mission “to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.” This goal continues today, but Amazon’s customers are worldwide now, and have grown to include millions of Consumers, Sellers, Content Creators, and Developers & Enterprises. Each of these groups has different needs, and we always work to meet those needs, innovating new solutions to make things easier, faster, better, and more cost-effective.

About Amazon India

Amazon teams in India work on complex business challenges to innovate and create efficient solutions that enable various Amazon businesses, including Amazon websites across the world as well as support Payments, Transportation, and Digital products and services like the Kindle family of tablets, e-readers and the store. We are proud to have some of the finest talent and strong leaders with proven experience working to make Amazon the Earth’s most customer-centric company.

Amazon India offers opportunities where you can dive right in, work with finest talent on challenging problems and make an impact that contributes to the lives of millions. Come build the future with us.

About Amazon Customer Service Team

Amazon’s Customer Service team has a very clear purpose – to prevent, solve problems and delight our customers. Our team supports customers in 16 languages from more than 130 locations around the globe.

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About Device & Digital and Alexa Support (D2AS)

The Device, Digital & Alexa Support (D2AS) vision is to create innovative support experiences for customers of Amazon’s devices and digital products.

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About Shipping and Delivery Support (SDS)

Shipping & Delivery Support is a customer service organization dedicated to support the Amazon Supply Chain network for multiple geographies. It ensures hassle free, timely pick-up and delivery of freight from vendors.

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About Amazon Customer Service Team

Amazon’s Customer Service team has a very clear purpose – to prevent, solve problems and delight our customers. Our team supports customers in 16 languages from more than 130 locations around the globe.

Everyone who works for Customer Service is focused on preventing and solving problems for customers, from designing and developing self-service technologies, building and managing products and programs, to interacting directly with customers.

The Customer Service team is constantly innovating to raise the bar on customer experience. We play a critical role in listening to customers and escalating pain points to enable Amazon to improve and deliver world-class customer service.

Customer Service associates will be required to Work from Amazon Offices located in Hyderabad, Noida, Pune and Coimbatore to support our customers.

Team also offers opportunities to its employees to support customers virtually (work from home). Virtual Customer Service associate opportunities are available in Hyderabad, Noida, Pune, Indore, Bhopal, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Coimbatore, Lucknow and Mangalore locations.